Today I had to work at a client's office in Northern Phoenix. It just happened that the Phoenix store for Ham Radio Outlet was nearby, and I finished up early enough to pay them a short visit. I didn't buy anything since I just went to the Convention last weekend, but it was fun to stop in and see the rigs set up all along the wall, and all the goodies for sale. I took this image with my cell phone, so it's not too good, but you can see the beams on top of the store. There was someone inside playing with a little Ten-Tec rig and listening to W1AW on CW.
On the way up this morning, I was surprised to hear my friend Jesus, N7SCE, come on the 448.350 repeater. Turns out he was going the opposite way and we were close enough to switch over to VHF simplex for a nice QSO. But I think the little antenna on my Pontiac needs to be replaced, it's not doing a very good job these days. I'll try to check the SWR this weekend. I also decided not to put on the HF antenna for the drive because the mount is getting quite loose. So in addition to all the antenna work needed on the base, and on the truck, I also need to do some on the car. So much to do, so little time.