Last night was the monthy meeting of the Radio Society of Tucson (RST). The speaker was Steve Franks, KE7BTE, who gave an interesting talk about Radio Mobile software. Radio Mobile is an interesting mapping program capable of modelling radio wave propogation. We also got an update about various ham activities going on around here. It seems like ham radio is really undergoing a rejuvenation lately. The club repeater just got an upgrade and is now on Echolink (node # 7095). The Tucson hamfest is looking to be a strong one (only two weeks away!), and the annual picnic will be the next day and has a lot of interest already. Contests are being planned, possible D-Star system is under consideration, and lots of other stuff happening. It sure is good to see the excitement!
Today is the 10-10 Sprint. So far it appears that the band is going to be very poor, the only contacts I've made so far are with my YL and son. The antenna is still on the roof, but hopefully the package of parts needed to repair it will arrive from Cushcraft today.