31 May 2008

10-10 Board Meeting in San Antonio

The 2008 Board of Directors meeting for 10-10 International Net, Inc. was held in San Antonio, Texas on May 31, 2008.

As Treasurer of 10-10, I presented the annual financial report.  We had a busy day with a lot to discuss as always.

The following day, June 1, 2008 was the 20th Annual Hill Country Picnic held at the home of Jack K5CC.  In addition to great food and wonderful company, we enjoyed a nice opening on 10 meters prior to the "parking lot net".  I also was able to watch Allen N5AFV work several stations on the AO-27 satellite, using the 10-10 Club call sign W6OI.

See more photos at http://kr7rk.com/1010board2008.htm

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